Replat Micromed Vet is the natural and effective antitartar for dogs and cats against plaque, tartar and bad breath.

Enriched with colloidal silver, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, the product contributes to the health of the periodontal apparatus.

  • Deal with and reduce plaque, tartar and bad breath
  • Softening existing tartar is generally visible after 3 to 8 weeks
  • For cats & dogs



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MICROMED – Replat Tooth Powder (70g)
Dental care and oral hygiene is important for the health and well-being of our faithful friends.
Replat Micromed Vet with colloidal silver and nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals, prevents the formation of tartar, promotes the removal of the existing one and is also ideal to fight plaque and halitosis. The powder formulation of the antitartar for dogs and cats with the Micromed brand, helps to reduce the existing plaque and softens the tartar for an easier removal through the aid of a simple thimble for oral hygiene.
As a nutritional support for the oral health of dogs and cats, the product effectively protects against bacterial aggression, improves the breath and health of the oral cavity. Finally, the Micromed Vet antitartar is easy to use! Simply distribute Replat once a day in wet food or dry food (moistened) and clean your teeth twice a day.
The ease of administration is ideal especially for cats, so dental cleaning may be more difficult.
Fucaceae (algae), saccharomyces cerevisiae, medicago sativa, natural iodine. No added sugar, no preservatives and / or colorings.
Pour the right amount of product once a day into the food (wet or dry but previously moistened) and clean the teeth twice a day.
1 scoop per 5 kg of body weight.